
Sunday, November 16, 2008


There have been only a few times in my life when I have felt completely helpless and today was one of them. Usually there is an out, a life line if you will. Someone you can call for help. A friends shoulder to cry on. Retail therapy. Something. But not today. Today Karolyn was sick.

I knew she was coming down with something on Friday when she started coughing. Saturday she still wasn't her normal self and she was up all night coughing. Then this morning she had a full blown fever. Very warm to the touch, but I didn't measure it. Being in the scientific field you would think that this would be the first thing I do, but no, the mom in me said she had a slight fever and she would be OK. The Chiropractor says to let kids have their fevers because this is the body's natural defence against foreign invaders. And just several months ago when the girls were sick I let them have their fever and did not interfere even though it killed me. And sure enough they got better within the day. It was completely amazing. Usually it would be at least 3 days. But he also said that 102F is normal so again I'm not getting too alarmed.

When she had 2 bites of the mac and cheese she asked for and then went straight to bed without being told, I got concerned. Every 15 minutes I would check on her to make sure she was OK and every time I checked she was fine. A bit warm but fine. Then the last time I checked she was burning up. I checked her temp ... 102....103....103.5.... STOP GOD DAMMIT... 103.8 is where if finally stopped. I almost started to cry. Dear GOD please let her be OK. She has been sick before but not in a really really long time. 103.8 and she hadn't even broken a sweat. If she was sweating that would be a different story but there was not even a hint of sweat. Just a lethargic kid. My kid. And not a damn thing I could do about it. I know that the Chiropractor said to let her have her fever but this is ridiculous. I gave her some Motrin and I'm eternally grateful for whom ever it was that came up with this great medicine. I held her for a good half hour. Rocking her under back and forth on her bed under the blankets. Her limp little body whispering to me telling me not to go. It was only after she started to sweat that I thanked the baby Jesus.

She joined us for dinner, didn't eat a thing but drank 3 glasses of milk! My baby is on the mend and getting back to normal!


junior_goddess said...

Fever + milk = cheese.

Just sayin'.

Nice to see you came up for air.

Anonymous said...

Poor baby! Both of you, that is. So glad she is feeling better. I always get concerned when my rabid monkeys aren't hungry.

smariek said...

Glad to hear she got better in a few days. It's always hard on us when our little ones are sick because we feel so helpless.