
Saturday, February 23, 2008

I'm Back!

Hi everyone! It sure is wonderful to be back. Sorry for the bit of a sabbatical but life at home and work with 2 little ones is taking its toll. This is not to say that there has not been any knitting going on, I do need to keep my sanity after all! More about that later.

A question has been bothering me for a bit now. One that could easily be answered but also one that I was afraid to answer. Kind of like stepping on the scale only to discover that you gained 4 pounds. I don’t need disappointment like that. Honestly. The burning question was: How much yarn did I knit up in 2007.

I don’t remember knitting all that much. I was working full time, had a two year old who was definitely being terrible, gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, attended a wedding and a funeral and fixed the counter under the sink. To say the least, it was a very busy year. So I was ready to realize that if I didn’t achieve my goal it would be OK and that life would go on.

One dark night when no one was looking, I got out the bag that contains the ball bands and started to count. Goodness there sure was a lot of bands in there. Where did they all come from and what exactly did I knit? I have absolutely no idea. There was the baby blanket, and a hat, and I started a top for me and the sweater for my mom. And of course there is The Knitting That Must Not Be Named! I counted 65 ball bands! Can you even stand it? SIXTY-FIVE! Well curiosity got the best of me at that point and I started to add up the yardage. 8394 yds! That is 79% MORE than what I intended to knit! I was completely shocked! Kind of like standing on the scale and finding out that you actually managed to LOOSE those 4 pesky pounds despite the chocolate cake for breakfast AND dinner!

A Special "Thank You" to Jeanne for hooking me up again with my knitting buds!!!!!! I now can go to Knit Night now that I know where its at!


smariek said...

CoNgRaTs!!!! That's nearly 5 miles worth of yarn!!!! :-)

I really like how you saved all your ball bands. I'm not so organized, some get saved, some get lost, and some Miss M walks off with. Maybe I can figure it out from all my Ravelry finished projects and add up the yardage that way?

So have you set new yardage goals for 2008?

Anonymous said...

Way to go! I have to start some system to keep track of what I knit, since I almost always forget to take pictures. One thing is certain, though: my stash grew in the past year - sigh...
Good to hear from you!


Anonymous said...
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junior_goddess said...

Hey! You've been gone for two months, you blog, you get spammed!

Imagine THAT.