
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Knitting That Must Not Be Named

For a bit now I have been talking about the Knitting That Must Not Be Named. I know that it drove you crazy which is why I did it in the first place. What can I say, I digress.

The mystery project was one that was fun and exciting at every twist and turn. For starters I got to knit with a yarn that had yet to be released on a project from a popular knitting magazine. Of course there was a catch to this delightful little morsel. The project needed to be 100% complete with in 8 weeks time. No matter what. There was to be absolutely no excuses. NONE.

Me, being up to a challenge, received my yarn (which I’ll tell you about in a minute) and put together a plan of attack. I figured out how much time I had to knit up the back, both fronts, the sleeves and the collar. Then I added in a week leeway for “just in case”.

The yarn to be debuted was Incense. A wool, bamboo, and silk combo that is to die for. A perfect blend of fibers, it has enough silk for a fantastic sheen, the right amount of wool to make spit splicing possible and the bamboo added to its softness. Incense drapes wonderfully and has excellent stitch definition. I love this yarn and can see it being a staple in my collection.

I knitted away every night after the kids were in bed and completed the bulk of the knitting when I found myself in the hospital. What was I going to do? I still had the collar to knit and the seaming. My “for just in case” week was already used up and the thing was due the following Friday. It was Sunday.

This is when the praying started:

Dear Elizabeth. Please tell the Good Lord Baby Jesus that I really really really need some help here. I know that I do the swears and I’m not so good at going to Church but I do light the candle by His statue. So if He could just tell the doctors that my gall bladder really doesn’t need to come out and that I’ll be more than happy to come in next week, I would appreciate it.

Dr: Not a chance. Lady that thing has got to go.

Me: Are you sure?

Dr: Completely.

Dear Elizabeth. Forget it, it didn’t work but thanks for trying.

I was hooked up to an IV and not allowed to eat anything for 2 days. Two very long excruciating days. My roommate, on the other hand, was fed cheesecake and I had to watch her eat every last little morsel while she apologized to me about my current situation. Torture, pure torture.

My husband took pity on me and brought me my project. I knitted away while Janice ate and managed to complete the project by Monday while being held hostage. Ray packaged it up and mailed it off for me. Despite all the twists and turns the project somehow managed to get done. Thanks Elizabeth, I owe ya one!


Suzann said...

That is one thriller Libs. You did a beautiful job and none of the pressure you were under shows.
I am glad you are well again and knitting without pain.
You go girl!

Anonymous said...

Hilarious and heart-wrenching - what a story! May all your future knitting be just fun...the beautiful part is a given.
