
Sunday, August 05, 2007


Everyone is forever talking about the importance of breastfeeding. The media, doctors, nurses, family members. Everyone has their own "way" on how to do it and what is the "correct" way. Even people that don't have kids have been telling me how to do it! Regardless it was something that I really wanted to pursue for Sydney. (I was unable to nurse Karolyn because my milk never really came in.) To put it mildly, my milk supply is in.

Now that Sydney and I are comfortable with each other and have figured out how this is all supposed to work, I'm discovering that there are downsides to breastfeeding. Things go on that people forget to mention. Things like ... well we really don't need to get into the specific details of the operation but its not pretty. One thing that I can mention is that this process is incredibly boring.

Things to occupy my time:

1) Finished reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows.
I really enjoyed this book!

2) Read to Karolyn.

3) Play Sudoku.

4) Play Mah Jong.

5) Knit!
You should have known that I would figure this out eventually!


Jenny said...

Haha, I love that you knit while breastfeeding! I haven't been able to figure that one out yet. I just put my laptom on my lap behind Paul and surf away about knitting. That or read a magazine. (It amazes me, as well, all the "advice" you get about breastfeeding as a new mother).


LisaW. said...

my motto is "breast is best but formula is Fine" as long as baby gets fed. glad you are enjoying breastfeeding...and yes there are ...ahem...leaky things that happen (can you say garden sprinkler) with the process. you can start a local "knittin an nursin" club...
so are you mystery shawling along while bfeeding?

benne said...

Libby, you took me back with your breastfeeding observations. I can remember walking around in public with two wet spots on my blouse. ;-} I'm trying to figure out how you knit while feeding Sydney. You are talented! Good luck, it's great you're able to give Sydney's immune system the boost.

Unknown said...

Lisa, No I'm not mystery stoling while breastfeeding! That would require too much concentration! I'm working on a special thing for me. I may or may not blog about it depending on if I try to sell the pattern or not. I'm really tempted to just write up the pattern and post it free on my blog but we will see.

Benne, Knittin an nursin works well if you have a boppy pillow. or any pillow really. Just prop the kid on the pillow (stratigically placed of course) and then knit away! It helps if you are knitting something that is an easy knit.


smariek said...

I did the BF thing, and there were times when I envied those who formula fed and didn't have to wake up one or two times in the middle of the night. The whole round-the-clock thing was exhausting.

Thank goodness for breast pads!!!

I did managed (eventually) to watch TV (mute, close-captioning on), read books, listen to audio books, and knit simple things while BFing.

I got so used to the close-captioning on that I can't watch TV without it now, I just can't "hear" as well without it. Very strange...

Tamara said...

Now that my kids are older, I really miss all the reading I accomplished while sitting with my feet up, feeding the baby. I should have kept a list of the dozens of books I made it through! Congrats!!

Suzann said...

Good on you Libby. Knitting and breastfeeding. I remember thinking when I was feeding the kid, this takes forever. Saber tooth tigers are going to eat us. Eat up kid :-)
Breast pads are a wonderful improvement over trying to slow the flow with folded up cloth diapers.

Enid said...

i agree. Although I had mixed feelings because I really wanted to do it. So i got to breast feed to enjoy it a little bit. But my supply slowed down until bah. I blame it on supplementing and various other factors. But the second time around for me was way more enjoyable. (and yes a little boring. heh)