
Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Big Girl Bed

Now that Karolyn is 2 1/2 years old, we decided it was a good idea to get her a big girl bed. (That, and we needed the crib for the new baby.) The bed we decided on is incredibly special indeed. It was made by her great grandpa for her grandpa. Which was then passed down to her dad. And daddy is passing it down to her.

The bed had been sitting in the basement since we moved in collecting dust. We brought it upstairs, cleaned it up and made the necessary repairs.

It was then put together by K and her daddy. She was incredibly excited about getting a new bed that all she said for the next 2 hours was "big girl bed," "big girl bed!"

Later mommy and K went shopping for just the perfect sheets and blanket. First we went to JC Penney's to no avail so we headed off to Sears. There we found a very large section dedicated to toddler/ little kids bed sets. Of course there was the Disney and Sesame Street selection but I really wanted something a bit more generic but fun at the same time. We eventually settled on a butterfly print with a matching pillow.

As soon as we put those sheets on the bed she climbed right up and played on her new big girl bed for quite some time! I am also proud to say that she managed to sleep all through the night on the new bed. I, on the other hand, had some trouble sleeping as I was worried about her falling off the bed. She did of course at 5:30 am and survived the incident with no injuries!


LisaW. said...

aaawwwww! that's just the sweetest post! what a special time in your family. (and i like the sheet selection too!)

Joan said...

Aww, how cute! You can get removeable side rails for her bed to give you POM over night.

Unknown said...

Joan, we have them but they don't work on her bed. We can't get the rail to go down because of the frame. Last night she did really well!!

Anonymous said...

That is so precious! What a big girl she is now!

smariek said...

How exciting! I can see how excited she is to have the "big girl bed", and I can even hear her saying that, lol. Glad to hear that K only had that one incident falling off, and is now sleeping well. Does she tend to stay put while sleeping?

M is 2yr 3mo and we haven't made the leap to a bed yet. Perhaps after we move into our new house, one thing at a time. M rolls around all over the place, which is part of our reluctance to move her out of the crib. Plus we envision her getting up way early and wandering about the house...