
Monday, May 28, 2007

Baby Things

When Karolyn was born, they put a little hat what the hospital has deemed worthy of the term "hat" on her head. In actuality, its more like a knitted tube that they cut off the roll and tied some string on the one end. Not very fashionable in my book and may actually scar the kid for life. In addition to this, the makers of baby clothes doesn't know what the size of a newborn head is either as all of their hats were just way to big.

Its a good think that momma is a knitter and is fully capable of knitting up a hat for the new baby.

The yarn I'm chose to use was Lara by I have to say that I don't think that I will ever use this yarn again. It is incredibly soft, holds its shape well, great shine. What's wrong with it you ask? It splits. It splits horribly. I had to tink more than I cared for because I kept splitting the yarn. And its not like I was using the dull Addis. Oh no, this baby was on the Options. It doesn't get much sharper than that.

I looked up the circumference of a newborn babies head. Read the gauge on the ball band (no swatching on this one), and casted on. I knit until the desired height was achieved then started the k2tog, k2 decrease round. Knit 3 more rows and another decrease round. When I had about 7 stitches left I drew the string through and called it good!

Here little one, now you will be the most fashionable kid in the nursery!


Suzann said...

When my daughter was born her hat looked like a sleeve cut off from thermal underwear. No pretty. With a big knot at the top.
Your hat looks great. All the other babies will be jealous of her stylish looks :-)

junior_goddess said...

I think it looks good! Betsy Faye will be the cutest girl in the nursery!

Anonymous said...

That hat's a keeper. New banner is funny. Bri

smariek said...

Cute hat; also makes it easy to spot her in a sea of babies. :-) And I know what you mean about those hospital hats being ugly and too big...

Anonymous said...

Sorry the Lara was splitty, I am dreading that part of it when I get to mine in the stash, and I have a sweater or shawl's worth! But your baby's hat is very pretty!

Joan said...

Kudos to you for dealing with Luna. I did a shawl in it and am still suffering PTS..LOL.

Way cute hat!