
Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Knitted Apron

I received my IWK magazine this week. What a shocker it was and I don't mean in a good way. The layout changed: it was hard to find out who designed what, patterns are in the back of the book now. Overall, I have to admit that I do not like it and want it changed back.

As far as the designs are concerned, it was not much of a shocker that most of them just plain sucked. I'm starting to think that truely awful designs are the requirement to get published in a magazine.

Magazine: "How about this design?"

Publisher: "Does it suck?"

Magazine: "On the suckiness factor of 1 to 5 I say this gets a solid 4."

Publisher: "Well don't keep me in suspense Bill, what's it supposed to be?"

Magazine: "An apron I think"

Publisher: "Call up that designer and let them know they are in."

Now why I ask, would anyone knit an apron let alone spend good money on the Collinette yarn it calls for? This question has been driving me crazy. So I came up with a list.

Why I would knit an apron:

1) I need to practice my stockinette stitch.

2) If I put on a strand of pearls and some heals, I'll look just like June Cleaver.

3) I'm substituting the Collinette for the acrylic I have marinating at the bottom of the stash.

4) You mean not everyone wants a knitted apron?

5) Its a great way to hide my voluptious back side.

6) I need a challenge. I'm trying to figure out how to get all of the food stains out of expensive yarn. I call it research.

I'm glad that I came up with the list. I can clearly see why one would find it beneficial to actually knit an apron. However that person is not me!


Anonymous said...

That is sheer craziness, and I mean both the yarn requirements, and the new layout. I LOVED the old layout. Why is it that corporations feel that have to change just because they can?

Suzann said...

LOL Libby, you must be feeling better.
Cashmere apron, you know you want one. :-)mmmmmmm Angora aprons.
I hate the new layout. Like the sock pattern, not the Eunny one. No desire for checkerboards on my legs thank you.
I found one or two things that I sort of like. I can't really say, cause I am in the middle of a knitting blah slump

junior_goddess said...

I liked Veronik Avery's sweater. I liked the guy's sweater. I hated the tea rose halter (lacy apron) and the bandeau to wear OVER your peasant blouse. DUMB dumb DUMB! Don't care about the White Lies designs-from what I understand, (from Corinna and T) the patterns are shit anyhow. And what is this stuff with the asymmetrical neckline? How many do you own in your closet? Why would I want one-to minimize the growth on my shoulders (oh, that's my head!)

Anonymous said...

I liked the guys sweater as well. There were a couple of other things I liked as well but for the most part I could live without it.


Joan said...

Oy, that apron. Are they trying to reach Vickie Howell's teeny bopper knitters? Would evey THEY wear a cashmere apron? Aside from the Amish, who wears aprons as clothes? What a mess this issue was. However, I do like the layout.

jayne said...

I've heard so many bad things about this issue, and I haven't managed to get a look at it yet. I guess I'll be skipping this issue.

A knitted apron?? Even June Cleaver had more sense than that.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely abhoar the new IWK get-up. They seem to have sent the models I liked into IWK model location program as well. They are sanitized from the scene. I intensely disliked (which is to say hated) the new layout and most of the projects, save the clementine shawlette. All that raw emotion meant that when I got an offer to extend my subscription for 2 MORE yrs, it didn't do much for me.

There I feel better now too!! bri