
Monday, November 21, 2011


A very exciting event took place at the Grant household.  Karolyn lost her first tooth!  She could not have been more excited.  She is now among the first graders with missing teeth.  A rite of passage for kids her age.   For the longest time she has been telling me who lost a tooth and how long it was loose for and how much it hurt when it came out. 

There she was sitting at the kitchen counter eating a bagel, I was making dinner, and she announces "Mom, my tooth came out!  See."  She looked so adorable with her missing tooth.  I asked her where the tooth was and she didn't know.  We looked all over the kitchen for the missing tooth but could not find it.  We think she swallowed it.  The tooth fairy left her a note on the table explaining that even though she didn't find a tooth she left her some money anyway on the kitchen table. 

On the knitting front, the second sock is almost complete.  The heel is turned and about one inch of the foot portion has been knit.  All that is left to do is to finish the foot and turn the toe!

1 comment:

Maxine said...

Yay Karolyn!!! :)