
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

"The Spa"

A couple weeks ago I came home from work with excruciating pain. Pain so terrible that I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. By the time Saturday rolled around, I was doubled over and DH bundled up the kids and took me to the ER. From there I was admitted to "The Spa".

The Spa was equipped with all sorts of lovely amenities like movable beds, and IV pumps that kept on beeping, and roommates that like their TV turned up full volume. It also had the usual amount of pampering you would find at the finnest of establishments. Pampering in the form of nurses who would draw your blood at 4 am, and doctors having their students draw the workings of your insides to you. Very encouraging. Also, there was no shortage of student nurses who were all too eager to poke you with very sharp objects. And last but not least is the food.

**Insert picture that is still stuck on the camera phone and I have no idea how to get it off.**

My diet consisted of very hearty portions of the 2L IV bag filled with 0.9% C6H12O6 and 0.5% NaCl and a splash of K. In a nutshell, they pumped me full of sugar water that was enriched with table salt and some potassium. My roommate got to eat cheesecake. Rich, creamy, cherry topped, graham cracker crusted, cheesecake. So not fair.

**Insert picture that is still stuck on the camera phone and I have no idea how to get it off.**

Turned out that I was having a pancreas attack caused by a gall stone. The gall! So I sat in the adjustable bed for 2 days waiting for my pancreas numbers to get back to normal. Then they carted me off to the operating room, removed the offending gall bladder, stitched me up and sent me home.

I did manage to get a crazy ton of knitting done. Each time the nurses would check in on me they commented on the project at hand. Then the next time, they would say "Wern't you working on something else the last time I was in here?"


"OH, What are you working on now?"

"a boob"

blank look ... "a what?"

"a breast"

again, blank look.... "um OK", "Thats nice dear"

For all of their medical training I would think that they would know what a breast was. So I explained about a friend with breast cancer that is loosing her breasts and I though that she needed something and decided to knit her a boob.

This was usually followed by "Those sure are nice colors", or "how creative".

All in all, as nice of an experience as I had, I sure would like to stay clear from there for awhile!


Unknown said...

I'm sure they thought someone had spiked your IV bag.

smariek said...

LOL on the knitted boob. Might have been easier to tell them it was a hacky sack...