
Thursday, March 22, 2007

New and Exciting

Webrings. Does anyone know what a webring is? I sure don't but it does sound like fun. Especially at 2:30 am while I'm eating some frosting. Nutritional, I know. (Is there anything to go with the frosting? Nope, just the frosting. Vanilla in case you were wondering) Anyway back to the webring. Joan put together a webring so we just have to click on the next button and it will take you to the next site that is also hooked up to the ring. Cool huh?

There isn't much going on this week with the exception of my ever exanding belly. I havn't done much knitting either. I did however finish another border strip and have 1 more to do before I can sew it on to the main part of the blankie.

A friend is having a rough time of things these days so go and give her a hug. She could use one right about now.

Barbara started an iteresting thread on the discussion board dealing with stash sizes. The general consisus was that the poll was simply rediculous. Not the actual poll itself mind you, just the answers. So I created a poll that made more since. You can see it on the side bar. Vote. Its fun!


Anonymous said...

Hey Libs, my motto is -Frosting, it's not just for breakfast. I answered your poll but I refuse to reveal the actual number of 20-gallon tubs. Not even to my priest. If God didn't want me to have a stash, He wouldn't have made sheep. ;-}

Joan said...

So glad you are in the webring, Libby. I am still scouring the web for more Elannites. Ringsurf is imperfect and some days are easier to surf than others but I am aslo enjoying it.
BTW is that your Mobius Hat chemo cap pattern at elann?