
Monday, October 16, 2006

Noro is playing with EZ!

Remember the Noro that I was going to make the EZ adult suprise jacket out of? I raided the stash a bit more to see if there was anything in there to match Noro. Nothing. Well I found some more of this color online. I'm taking that as a sign that this jacket was meant to be. Purchased it before anyone else could and started to read the instructions.

Elizabeth tells me to find gauge. Thats easy enough. I figured that I'm getting 4.75 sts/inch.

Next she says to figure out your body width, multiply it by my gauge and divide that by 3. Now here is where I actually have to sit down and figure out exactly what it is that I'm wanting. I know that I want a coat/jacket. I know that I want to line it and I'm still debating on buttons or a zipper. I'll figure that part out later. No need to concern my pretty little head about that just yet.

So I got my fave sweater (the Fair Isle I was raving about on my first post) and it is 50" around. Divide that by 2 and I get 25 for the body width. Unfortunatly that is not divisible by 3 neatly. 25 may not be but 24 sure is! I'm in luck.... So I'm deciding on 24 to be my lucky #.

My Key Number is 24 x 4.75 = 114. 114 / 3 = 38. 38 = K. I'm guessing that everything is based off of this lucky number. I sure as hell hope that I got that right and I'm wanting a 48 inch around jacket. I'm a bit nervous here but I've got Elizabeth on my side telling me to settle down!

Reading on she says to cast on 9 x K... ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? That is 342 sts.... Redo the math... Nope 342 it is..... Good Lord Baby Jesus....I'm gonna be casting on till the cows come home. They might not be coming home. EVER!

Next I'm supposed to mark 2K (76 sts) from each end and at this point do a double decrease on every other row. When I have 5K (190 sts) remaining I'm at the armpits.

The cows actually did come home and I made it to the armpits.

Now no offence to Elizabeth, but I have to say that I'm just blindly following along here. She has never lead me astray in the past and I'm counting on that now. I'm not really seeing where this knitted fabric is going but I'll just follow along. Extensive research has confirmed that there are other people that have done the very same thing that I'm doing and have been completely successful.

The worse that can happen is that I'll have to frog the thing right? OK that just sounds very very painful and we will not be speaking of that ever again. EVER!


junior_goddess said...

I am laughing at your "Good Lord Baby Jesus". And your cows.

Actually I am laughing pretty hard-knit on!

jayne said...

I'm laughing too -- and just say no to frogging. I've heard you have to just let go of logic when you make this pattern. It all comes out in the end. Like life?

Thanks for a Monday morning smile!

CatBookMom said...

Libby, your WIP picture looks just great! Keep goin', girlfriend, and - so everyone tells me - it does kind of magically turn into a jacket!

Bri McS said...

Did you see "Tallaga Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby"? Oh man. A must see in little of your God Lord Baby Jesus status.

Suzann said...

Libby I did the baby version.
If you look at my blog you can see what it looks like before it is folded up. The adult version is exactly the same as the baby version. Except for no cows or Baby Jesus :-)
It makes no sense. You just have to keep knitting. It is blind trust.
Glad the cows came in at long last. That is one big cast on

Anonymous said...

Funny, funny post! Who knew knitting could entail such dialog?
I feel like talking back to EZ sometimes, too, as in, could we get to the point here, or if you're going to be chatty, tell me what I want to know.
Your Noro & EZ combo is looking great, love how it's coming out in thin stripes, must be a result of those 342 stitches!

Anonymous said...

I am going to make a baby one with the DB cashmere in the lavendar, wheat, khaki and sage. I would love to do one in the Noro. Maybe I can get it "figured out" with the DB in baby size and follow your lead on the adult verstion. Looks good so far
Amy -
Who just frogged her first attempt at EZ knitting when she didn't have enough yarn to finish.