So I start calling names and asking whats going on. No answer. That's when I started looking. I started with their room first, found nothing and then moved onto my room. I happened upon this.
Yes, that is my angel playing with the garbage. We do have toys. Tons of toys. Fun toys that make all kinds of sounds when you touch them. No, we have to play in the garbage.
Then I look up and see big sister drawing dragons with my eyeliner. MY EYELINER!@!@##$
We do have crayons. ALL kinds of crayons in different shapes and sizes, a whole bucket of them. And if they made crayons that made noise and lit up when you used them, we would have them.
Now I realize why I work. So I can escape these crazy people that I gave birth to and have an adult conversation that doesn't involve dragons or garbage.
Thank you Dear God for letting it be Monday tomorrow!
love the shots of the girls and your Longaberger I remember years ago (over 29 to be exact) talking to a friend on the phone and thinking Debbie is awfully quiet, sure enough she was smearing the bathroom door with diaper rash cream----prescription cream that cost 35$ back then!! Angels, oh yeah!!!!
Good call on the Longaberger. I just love those baskets but the budget doesn't allow for them anymore.
The angels do keep me on my toes!
Hmmm-I remember my mom being on the phone. And the bath water got cold. So we added more. and more. And then we had tidal waves.
Probably a good thing our house was on a slab....
We have tons of crayons and paper, but Miss M chose to try her artistic abilities on her (white) big girl bed.
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